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9.10.18 - 9.16.18


The goal of the past week was to begin making cold calls, as well as complete a few other assignments that would help begin the interview process. These included such assignments as interview questions, a rough draft of the resume, and another research assessment.

This year a lot of the basics of the assignments are coming easier; the basic format of my resume was done, although some of the achievements and the color scheme had to be updated. In fact, the entire process of writing resumes has become significantly faster which is making applying to college and jobs an easier task. Similarly for interview questions, several tried and true questions from last year were easily incorporated into questions for this year. Questions used last year that didn’t allow for broad enough answers were replaced with rewritten questions based on five interviews experience. Theoretically this means by the end of this year my experience level will be doubled what it is now, which is an exciting prospect.

What’s coming a bit less easily, however, are cold calls. Unfortunately, although all the assignments were completed, cold calls have not begun yet. The contact log exists which should provide a springboard to begin, but the task is still rather daunting. Despite doing it last year phone calls are still nerve racking. Obviously, I have to overcome this and soon. In the process of looking for contacts a group called the North Texas Ethics Association came to my attention. They are a group of medical professions who all work under the umbrella of shared ethics. Their members were listed on the website and should an interview be obtained with any of the members I plan to ask and learn more about the association, as it could be a useful tool for the rest of the year.

Considering it’s week four already, it’s time to begin contacting professionals. As that begins I will also plan to continue expanding my knowledge on general ethics and the relevant debates regarding bioethics in the current era.

Preparing For Interviews: Publications
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