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10.15.18 - 10.21.18


It is now a quarter of the way through the year and we have begun working on original work proposals, portfolios, and are well into the interview portion of the year.  

By this point in the year last year at least two interviews had already been obtained by myself. This year, none have, which is obviously somewhat worrying. Last week I reached out to an additional five professionals but either the phone wasn’t answered, a message was left unanswered, or a simple no was given. Of course those who did not respond will be contacted again, but my method right now is obviously not successful. Last year, I definitely reached out to more than five professionals at one time. Theoretically, the more professionals one reaches out to, the more likely one will say yes. Only keeping up with five is just not brining the same success rates. This week a minimum of five professionals will be contacted. Additionally, a contact was provided by the financial advisor of the Elliott family. It would be a phone interview but honestly, at this point, that sounds wonderful. Finally, another possibility for obtaining an interview is through the cowboys, as looking to speak with some of their sports medicine providers is me.

Original work is actually starting to get very exciting. The proposal made it more real and, although many ideas were kind of circulating previously, the proposal forced them to be flush them out clearly and focus to be shifted to the best ones. Most of the work done this year by me will again be less tangible, as it is hard to physically touch ethics. Still, it will be exciting to learn more about the field and apply my own unique thoughts and problem solving skills to the work.

Finally, some work needs to be caught up on; my topic proposal was never written and one assessment needs to be made up. In addition, my physical portfolio has barely been started so some progress needs to be made there as soon as possible. Obviously some serious progress needs to be made on interviews, and work on the first presentation should also be starting. A busy time of the year is approaching so now it is time to keep the head of the person writing this report down and put in the work.

Looking for Interviews: Publications
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