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I entered the ISM program as a high school junior and am now currently a senior and ISM 2 student. As an ISM 1 student I studied medical research under the mentorship of two heads of lab at UT Southwestern. Following graduation, I am planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in biochemistry and eventually a Phd in medical microbiology. The topic I have chosen to pursue this year in ISM is bioethics.

I value loyalty, equality, and originality, all things that important people in my life, such as my friends, parents and grandparents have taught me. I have had wonderful role models in both of my parents. They are both extremely hard working and have taught me the power of honesty and kindness. I was born in Tucson, Arizona, and when I was four, my parents and I moved to Frisco, Texas. My parents wanted me to be in a great school district, and Frisco is one of the best. The opportunities they ensured I would receive here have been invaluable. From extracurriculars such as choir and theatre to classes like ISM and Practicum in Pharmacology, I have been given many chances to figure out my “why”, or what I’m passionate about.

I am in ISM II to study the intricacies of bioethics in the medical industry so I can be more successful in college and ultimately more successful in my medical research career. By understanding ethics and how they fit into the decisions health care workers make everyday, I can help more people and hopefully improve the workings of the medical field. I have previously studied medical ethics in a summer course at Duke University, and I find ethical debates fascinating. I believe I can make an impact by working to understand conflicting points of views and current issues. I am looking forward to my time in ISM this year, and certainly plan to make the most of it.

About Me: About
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