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10.16.18 - 10.29.18


Obviously, last week the original work proposal was submitted, making this the first week to begin work on it. In addition, another assessment was due this week and some progress was made on getting an interview, although still no date has been set.

Original work is the most tangible and exciting part of my ISM journey thus far. Although the research has been exciting, the interviews have been frustrating and a little discouraging. Having the original work as a goal is giving a little more purpose to my work and is allowing me to pursue some new research. In addition, it is giving some direction the the interview process as there is now some more specific people I can look to interview. Furthermore, looking into prescription drug addiction follows closely with my work in pharmacology this year. When I go into clinical rotations in the hospital next week I can look for contacts which will help with interviews and my original work.

The assessment this week was actually a step in my original work. Although it was very preliminary research, I looked into addictions and this broad knowledge will help me narrow down my topics of research in the future and marks the very first progress on my original work.

In regards to interviews, although nothing is scheduled yet some progress was made. An email has been sent to the stars which should be redirected to a professional. Furthermore, I made a call to a colleague suggested by the family economic advisor which didn’t result in an immediate no. I will follow up and see what comes next.

Next week I hope to complete a time chart for my original work, begin the completion of my S.M.A.R.T goals as listed in that document, and achieve interviews. All of these are relevant and necessary to allow a successful week and further my progression in ISM.

Beginning Original Work: Publications
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