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Wifi, Wifi, Where art thou wifi?

10/30/17 - 11/5/17

The research speeches are quickly approaching, as are important assignments like the original work idea proposal and the digital and physical portfolio. This week I began to chip away at this work. I originally had an interview scheduled for Thursday, but Dr. Phillips had to move the interview until next Tuesday, November 7, which allowed me to have the entire week to work on assignments I needed to.


I continued to research the flu vaccine this past week, as part of a research assignment and as a way to prepare for my original works. I am still considering other ideas, but testing the availability and usage of the flu vaccine seems most promising as of now. I also need to create a physical component of this project, which I believe would be a plan to increase the amount of people getting the flu vaccine every year, or perhaps a way to make it more accessible in less privileged areas. Either way, I think the flu provides several research paths to follow and explore.


I had also planned to print out the papers for my physical portfolio during the second class of the week. However, the wifi broke which left me only able to make calls. I lest quite a bit of work time, unfortunately, and was unable to finish my research assessment or printing. I will have to work on these things next week.


I will need to do as much work as possible next week in order to keep the work from piling up. Losing the day really hurt me, but I plan to get back on track. I have one interview next week and another in the process of being scheduled. I will also finish my digital portfolio and finish the process of creating the presentation to accompany my speech.

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