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Just Keep Swimming

10/23/17 - 10/29/17

This week I made progress in obtaining my five interviews a updating my digital portfolio. I am nearing completion on my interviews, and I am definitely getting more comfortable with the process. I am also working on getting smaller tasks completed so that I won’t fall behind. This includes writing thank you notes, keeping my digital portfolio up to date and printing out papers for my binder. I also need to submit my original work proposal and begin working on my research speech.


The interviews were the most important part of my week; I had one interview on Friday and wrote my interview assessment over it, scheduled an interview for next week, and began talking with another possible interview. The interview Friday was with a p.h.d I had originally found intimidating over the phone. However, after talking I realized he was just quiet. He is obviously very passionate about his work and did a really good job explaining the steps he took to obtain his position at UTD. I also finally scheduled the interview with Dr. Phillips at UT Southwestern which I’m pretty excited about. She seems pretty nice, so I’m excited. I need to do more research on what she studies because I still don’t fully understand it. Finally, I made contact with a secretary of a medical researches at Baylor Scott & White which I plan to follow up on in order to schedule an interview.


In addition to the interviews, I updated my digital portfolio with all my recent weekly reports and assessments. That didn’t take too long, but if I start updating it regularly I think it will make my life easier. I also wrote thank you notes for the business professionals from the symposium and my interview with Dr. Jain.  As a whole, I think the week was fairly successful, even though I didn’t have a lot of time to work on everything.

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