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Trypanosoma Brucei Research

2/26/18 - 3/4/18

This week was actually one of the calmest weeks I’ve had in ISM for a long time. Since the original work presentation marked the end of the original work, and this week was a kind of starting over. I managed to continue research on my final product, schedule a second mentor visit, update my mentor log, and review my original work presentation.


I really enjoyed continuing research on my final product. I really focused on African sleeping sickness and the Trypanosoma Brucei parasite this week. I began a research assessment which I hope to finish next week. I scheduled a mentor visit for next Tuesday, and I’m excited to be able to talk to my mentors about what I have learned and ask them some questions on different types of grants and some of the functions of Trypanosoma Brucei. I am also excited to hear their feedback on my original work proposal. I added this scheduled visit and the past two visits to my mentor log, which I plan to update as I go so it won’t get out of hand. As soon as I go on my mentor visit I will be able to get my mentor bio done and take a picture with them.


The final thing I did this week was review my original work presentation. It was actually very uncomfortable to watch because I wasn’t very happy with my performance. It was better than I expected, but still not good. I definitely need to work more on consistency and learning how to present for long periods of time. I will work on that in the future.


I am looking forward to next week’s mentor visit and continuing work on my research grant.

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